The Celebration and Awards Ceremony was held 28 June. 35 people attended the luncheon and ceremony. We had a total of 21 games this year and 365 Senior Athletes participated. Thanks to VFW Post 4588 for the use of their facility and to LINDA AND LIONEL BRANGHAM for preparing the lunch.

AWARD WINNERS: Distinguished Service Awards; ALL-STAR BOWLING LANES and SHELLY QUARLES. Male Athlete of the Year; FRED WALTERS. Female Athlete of the Year; JUANITA TUCKER. Volunteer of the Year; WAYNE BAMBERG. Ken Howard Spirit Award; LIONEL BRANGHAM. Hazel Gay Memorial Torch Award; PAULA and LARRY HADWIN. Congratulations to our awardees for their hard work and dedication. Thanks also to everyone who helped make this a very good year! Duane Chilton, NWLSG President.