MALE 60-64 GOLD-Ricky Gipson (760), SILVER-Willard Allums, BRONZE-Michael Foisy. 70-74 GOLD-George Patton (705), SILVER-J R Morse, BRONZE-Curt Drayden. 75-79 GOLD-LD Nash (765 high score of the day), SILVER-Robert Washington, BRONZE-Jim Rivers. 80-89 GOLD-Fred Walters (708), SILVER-Gary Price. FEMALE 55-64 GOLD-Marilyn Creech (454), SILVER-Judy Person, BRONZE-Melissa Rutherford. 65-69 GOLD-Sharon Thompson (403), SILVER-Sharon Davis. 70-74 GOLD-Cathy Etheridge (577), SILVER-JoAnn Henderson. 75-79 GOLD-Sally Moody (600), SILVER-Jeanette Kohlnhofer. 80-89 GOLD-Red Fletcher (655 high female score for the day), SILVER-Brenda Beck.